MFW Tax Investigation Service

How HMRC are tightening their grip

HMRC have been set with ambitious targets and are therefore continually investing in new technology and strategies to maximise tax revenue.  They have, for example, collected a total of £3 billion from enquiries generated by their multi-million pound database system, Connect, since 2008, according to a recent report.

Connect allows HMRC to cross-reference information supplied on tax returns with data on individuals’ and businesses’ finances stored elsewhere.  It gathers information from multiple public and private sources, allowing for the quick identification of any discrepancies or possible under-reporting.

The system is also allowing HMRC to ‘zoom in’ and keep tabs on taxpayers’ day-to-day activities.  Officials can now track ticket sales and passenger information supplied by airline companies, for instance.  Particularly striking is the gathering of information from social media.  HMRC are now monitoring online posts about holidays, parties and purchases.  They may wish to ask questions where they feel a lifestyle does not fit in with an individual’s reported income.

Whilst many of the leads generated by Connect’s collation of wide ranging data are likely to be worth following up, a proportion will be unfounded.

 Are you at Risk of a Tax Investigation?

Anyone who submits a tax return can be investigated by HMRC at anytime.

Although we always ensure Returns are filed in a manner that should limit the possibility of an enquiry by HMRC, there can never be a guarantee that it could not happen.

Even if you have done nothing wrong you can still be the subject of an investigation as many HMRC tax investigations are conducted randomly.

What could an investigation involve?

Some investigations will involve a detailed examination of a specific item on a tax return whilst others may extend to a full review of all individual or business affairs.  HMRC have the power to inspect business documents and assets at your premises, can ask for documents and information, make unannounced inspections and go back up to six years to investigate matters.

Dealing with a tax investigation is not included in our normal fees and experience has shown that the costs involved can be substantial.

Introducing the MFW Tax Investigation Service

To provide our clients with peace of mind we offer the MFW Tax Investigation Service to help protect against the professional costs involved in a tax investigation or enquiry.  Our Service is backed by an insurance policy we have taken out through one of the market leaders, Professional Fee Protection.

We recommend, therefore, that you consider subscribing to our Tax Investigation Service.

Peace of mind providers

It is vital to be led by specialist advice and guidance when dealing with HMRC.  We can help you manage any tax enquiries you might receive.

With our Tax Investigation Service our fees will be paid for if HMRC investigate you.

Cover for all

For limited companies and partnerships, our Tax Investigation Service provides inclusive cover for all relevant individuals.

So if your business subscribes to the service, all of your directors (or partners, as appropriate) and their spouses and company secretaries will also receive representation during an investigation into their personal tax affairs as long as we act for the individuals concerned.

More details

For a summary of the protection afforded by our service please download our leaflet.

MFW Tax Investigation service leaflet

Frequently asked questions

You can also download a pdf answering FAQs:


For costs of our service and for further details please contact your local MFW office.

Tax investigations can leave you feeling isolated, contact us to find out how we can help.

Book a free initial consultation
to see how we can help your business.

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