Management Buy-outs and Management Buy-ins

Whether you are considering a management buy-out (MBO) of your existing business or management buy-in (MBI) into a target business, our aim is to help you achieve a successful buy-out/buy-in at a sensible price.

Management buy-outs can be complex transactions and we can provide the management team with advice and support throughout the process.

Our management buy-out and management buy-in services include:

  • Review the feasibility of the buy-out
  • Assist in preparing a business plan and financial forecasts
  • Value the business
  • Negotiate with the vendor on your behalf
  • Provide you with personal and corporate tax advice
  • Co-ordinate the work of other professionals

We have excellent relationships with banks, financial institutions, lawyers and other corporate finance professionals and can provide the professional advice you need.

For more information contact your local MFW office.

Book a free initial consultation
to see how we can help your business.

Contact us