Posted by admin - August 6, 2015 8:56 am
New £5000 Government Cyber Security Grant for small businesses
Boost for SMEs to protect their cyber security
A new UK £1m cyber security innovation vouchers scheme, which launched in July of this year, will offer micro, small and medium sized businesses up to £5,000 for specialist advice to boost their cyber security and protect new business ideas and intellectual property.
The launch of the voucher scheme is part of a range of initiatives to help increase the resilience of UK businesses to cyber-attacks. The scheme will also include a new online learning and careers hub to develop cyber skills talent in order to cope with any potential cyber attacks.
Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey said of the scheme that, “We want to help protect UK businesses against cyber attack and make the UK safest place in world to do business online. The new voucher scheme will offer increased protection for small businesses, and the new online hub will help ensure we have the skilled workforce in place to manage the increased pressures of the digital age”.
More information about the scheme can be found here.
Need more assistance with cyber security?
The threat of cyber security grows every day so it pays to understand how to protect yourself and your business from possible attacks.
To help the Government has issued a useful guide explaining best practices to safeguard against cyber attacks which also includes links to cyber training courses.