Posted by jonathanfullarton - March 23, 2020 2:57 pm
HMRC COVID-19 phishing update
HMRC have issued examples of HMRC related phishing emails and bogus contact. If you receive any such spam please email it to phishing@hmrc.gov.uk and then immediately delete it. Do not open any links.
Spamming has widened up to include faux social media accounts and What’s App messages purporting to be from HMRC so do beware. Don’t let a fraudster get their hands on your money.
For further details visit the HMRC post.
COVID-19 Phishing campaign
HMRC is aware of a phishing campaign telling customers they can claim a tax refund to help protect themselves from the coronavirus outbreak.
HMRC advise that you do not reply to the email and do not open any links in the message. An example of one scam is below, but be vigilant as this could just be the start of other spamming campaigns:

Beware of spamming
But this phishing is not only targeting HMRC communications and we are likely to see this unfortunately ramped up during the COVID-19 crisis by despicable people who look to use this time to prey on the vulnerable and even those who might simply have a momentary lapse of judgment . We have been posting additional information this morning through our Twitter channel to try an help spread this news.
In addition, we have some further information on helping you to protect your money below:
Other help to protect your money from fraudsters:
- Our tips
- Do also speak to your banks and other lenders about their measures and how to stay safe Visit the Get Safe Online website for more information about being safe online
- Kent Police Cyber Crime Unit and their list of useful contacts for more help and support with fraud and cyber crime
- Cyber Aware
- Action Fraud
- Remember to think first rather than regret later – don’t let the scammers have access to your money